During 2018 The Xavier College Benevolent Fund was re-established to assist those within our community. If you are experiencing hardship and would like to find out the Foundation can assist you confidentially, please contact Heather Murphy at the Foundation office.
Phone: (03) 9815 4542
Email: foundation@xavier.vic.edu.au
All donations over $2.00 are tax deductible.
The fund hopes to build on a solid base thereby increasing its capacity to provide financial assistance to those members of our community who may after finding themselves suffering financial hardship, request help from us.
In order for gifts to the fund to be deemed tax deductible under current Australian Law, the fund must operate as one that deals with applicants who are able to demonstrate necessitous circumstances.
Our aspirational goal into the future is to reach an initial target of $250,000 in the fund so that investment income might generate in the vicinity of $10,000 per annum that could be made available to eligible applicants.
The fund relies on the ongoing generosity of our community so that it can be in a viable position to assess and action applications for assistance, so we now again ask for your support. Please contact the Xavier College Foundation Office:
Heather Murphy
Phone: (03) 9815 4542
Email: foundation@xavier.vic.edu.au